Continue reading SEMrush vs. Ahrefs 2022— (SEO & Social Media Tools Comparison)

SEMrush vs. Ahrefs 2022— (SEO & Social Media Tools Comparison)

Even though Ahrefs is an excellent all-around tool for SEO and marketing professionals, SEMrush is a better alternative.

Not only does it offer the standard SEO features, but it’s also packed with lots of add-ons that make it that much better.

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Continue reading WordPress SEO Friendly Website (Tips)

WordPress SEO Friendly Website (Tips)

Making your WordPress SEO friendly means it’s optimized for search engines. But, search engines don’t really care for what you have to say and they certainly can’t purchase anything.

Here’s why SEO means much more than what the acronym stands for.

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Continue reading Quick Tips to Improve Pages and Posts in WordPress

Quick Tips to Improve Pages and Posts in WordPress

WordPress is relatively easy in terms of optimizing websites for search engines and readers. But it’s not that optimized out of the box and it can be a puzzling game with a shuttle ride between adjusting content for SEO and making it natural for readers.

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Continue reading SEO for Startup Businesses Using WordPress Platform (Basics)

SEO for Startup Businesses Using WordPress Platform (Basics)

If WordPress is your startup business platform of choice, it’s probably because WordPress is versatile, free, easy to use, people friendly, offers great flexibility in terms of what you can turn your website into and community around it is just awesome.

But, it’s a different story when it comes to search engine optimization. Let’s see how to start a solid WordPress SEO campaign for your online startup business.

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Continue reading How to Avoid Google Penalties for Your WordPress Website

How to Avoid Google Penalties for Your WordPress Website

With the latest algorithm updates (penguin & panda), Google has taken serious steps against spam and toward creating more usable internet. Although WordPress is not among the SEO friendliest platforms right out of the box, it won’t get you anywhere near the red area of being penalized, unless a human factor gets involved.

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