You Can Make WordPress a More Healthy Ecosystem
Before purchasing your next WordPress theme or signing up for the web design agency that’s going to put your business online, always ask about WordPress best practices.
Before purchasing your next WordPress theme or signing up for the web design agency that’s going to put your business online, always ask about WordPress best practices.
You might find it hard to believe, but for an experienced WordPress developer trying to see something from a new WordPress user’s perspective is almost as difficult as it is for that user to develop a theme or a plugin. Still, dropping your standard hat and putting a different one on every now and then is rarely a bad thing. So let’s take a look at one of WordPress’ most important features – post types, focusing more on the WHYs of using custom post types than the HOWs.
Back in the 80’s there was a car salesman in the Pittsburgh offering either a Yugo or further discount to every person who buys a Cadillac from him. The story sounds so ridiculous that until I checked this morning I though it was just a joke.
A theme that registers shortcodes, custom post types, custom taxonomies, handles your SEO, Google Analytics code and who knows what else is not a perfect WordPress theme, it is a bloated one at best.
Before buying a WordPress theme for your next website, you must go through this checklist: Ask yourself: What’s more important, the unique content I plan to create or theme’s look and feel I’ll share with thousands of people? Ask theme author: What happens to my content if I decide to replace this $50 theme with…